When I first get there for Grad Prep I am ushered into the main office area where I sign in and receive my student ID and key card. Then I was given my scrubs and another station. From that station I am escorted to a classroom down the hall which I am super thankful for because I was nervous about finding my way around. Once inside the classroom I sit in an open seat amongst other chatting students. At each desk is a bottle of water, a Payday candy bar (cute, right), and a folder of information. Immediately one of the women moderating the class comes and explains that I have a bit of paperwork to fill out. The paperwork consisted of questions such as, "What skills do you have that will help within your program" and "Where do you see yourself within your career". Pretty scary and tough questions, I know. So, I fill that out and await further instructions. Then we were introduced to the program directors of each program and a few other departments, given some school rules (no alcohol, no visitors, etc.) and broken up by programs. But right before we were broken up by programs we were told to write a letter to our future selves on graduation day! Most people, I assume, took this lightly and was done quickly. For me this was super exciting and I honestly teared up a little. To actually think about graduation after finally finding my place in the world was, quite frankly, overwhelming. I can't wait to read that letter that day :)
Next, we are directed to another classroom where we met with our program director. True to her profession, Program Director Heisien sported a very fashionable short hair cut and had me so stoked to start on Wednesday. She gave us an overview of the program and some of her expectations and rules for her Cos students.
A few random things I learned that day was:
1. Don't talk back to your program director on the first day, you'll look like a total tool.
2. It is illegal for a cosmetologist to use a straight razor on skin. (That's for the barbers)
3. Aim for success every single moment... You're being watched ;)
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